The Washington Post has a good editorial this a.m. that the Bush administration continues to defy congress, the laws, international treaties, etc. with a secret legal system created by his buddies such as AG Gonzalez that permitted and still permits torture tactics by such organizations as the CIA.
Now, Bush says that the permissions are in place, but we never torture. He's lying again and the Washington Post gives us the insights that tell us that.
I don't think I can wait until Jan. 9, 2009, to get back my country. Bush has shamed us at home, and abroad and it needs to come to an end. Can't Congress do SOMETHNG?
tortureri politicsdemocratsrepublicanspingcivil libertiesbushhillaryobamajohn edwardsgay rightscatholicschristians
Now, Bush says that the permissions are in place, but we never torture. He's lying again and the Washington Post gives us the insights that tell us that.
I don't think I can wait until Jan. 9, 2009, to get back my country. Bush has shamed us at home, and abroad and it needs to come to an end. Can't Congress do SOMETHNG?
tortureri politicsdemocratsrepublicanspingcivil libertiesbushhillaryobamajohn edwardsgay rightscatholicschristians